What Are Dental Crowns And Why You Might Need Them?

What Are Dental Crowns And Why You Might Need Them?

Dental crowns have become increasingly popular due to their versatility and effectiveness in addressing various dental issues. They serve both functional and aesthetic purposes, enhancing overall oral health and boosting self-confidence. If you’re considering getting a dental crown Dubai or simply curious about this dental appliance, here’s everything you need to know.

What are dental crowns?

A dental crown is essentially a cap placed over a damaged tooth, restoring its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Made from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, gold, or metal alloys, they mimic natural teeth color and texture, making them virtually indistinguishable.

Why might I need a crown?

Several reasons warrant a dental crown, including:

  • Restore severely worn down, cracked, or chipped teeth.
  • Protect weakened teeth vulnerable to fracture.
  • Support a large filling where little original tooth structure remains.
  • Cover a dental implant.
  • Improve discolored or poorly shaped teeth aesthetically.
  • Hold together parts of a fractured tooth.
  • Serve as anchors for bridges.
  • Replace existing crowns showing signs of wear.

Types of crowns:

Depending on individual needs, different types of crowns exist:

  • Metal alloy crowns – Durable yet noticeable, often used for posterior molars.
  • Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crowns – Stronger than pure porcelain but less discreet.
  • Ceramic or all-porcelain crowns – Offering superior esthetic qualities, ideal for front teeth.
  • Zirconia crowns – Highly durable and resistant to chips and breaks.

How is a dental crowns placed?

Placing a crown typically requires two appointments spanning a few weeks. During the first visit, the dentist prepares the affected tooth by removing decayed areas and shaping it to accommodate the crown. Impressions are taken for custom fabrication at a dental lab. Meanwhile, a temporary crown protects the prepared tooth until the final fitting. At the second appointment, the dentist cements the permanent crown onto the tooth, adjusting bite and fit as needed.

Benefits & risks associated with dental crowns:

Benefits include improved functionality, chewing efficiency, and speech clarity. Moreover, well-maintained crowns last upwards of fifteen years. On the flip side, risks encompass sensitivity, allergic reactions to metals, or possible damage to surrounding teeth during placement. Proper oral hygiene significantly reduces complications post-procedure.